Silverfern creates alpha for its investors by actively originating, selecting, and managing its direct investments
Principal Investors and management view Silverfern as an attractive deal partner because our global network and operational resources make us more valuable than capital alone
Silverfern’s global network: Leading Institutions and more than 60 of the world’s largest and most sophisticated multi-billion dollar family office investors, spanning 23 countries
Silverfern has an experienced, cohesive team. Our Investment Committee Member tenure averages close to 10 years
As a primary deal originator, Silverfern is uniquely positioned as a thought leader in global direct investing
In The News
- December 13, 2023 Highlights from the 2023 Silverfern Annual Meeting Presentation
- December 16, 2022 Highlights from the 2022 Silverfern Annual Meeting Presentation
- December 20, 2021 Highlights from the 2021 Silverfern Annual Meeting Presentation