To consistently grow capital through investment, capital must first be preserved

Deliver Attractive Returns
Generate attractive, risk-adjusted investment returns over the long term. Seek to be over-compensated for the risk that we take.
Earn Trust, Confidence, Loyalty
Continually earn the trust, confidence and loyalty of our investors.
Recognize that Investors’ Interests Come First
Act in the best interests of our investors. Always.
Actively Manage Risk
Develop deep understanding of the risks inherent to each investment we make. Manage those risks we can manage and avoid those risks we cannot, regardless of an investment opportunity’s projected return profile.
Serve as Conservative Fiduciaries
Treat our investors’ money the same way that we do our own in every investment we make, balancing reward with preservation of capital.
Demonstrate Professionalism, Integrity, Confidentiality
Uphold the highest standards of professionalism, integrity and confidentiality in everything we do.
Ensure an Alignment of Interests
We invest our own money in every investment we make, with no investment conflicts.
Contribute to the Community
Be responsible and contributing members of the global community through Constant Giveback, our unique multi-year partnership with the Harvard Business School’s Global Gender Initiative.
Distinguish our Firm in the Marketplace
Understand what we do better through co-control global direct investment. Do it often, do it well, and do not do anything else.